
Natural dimples usually occur either on both sides of the face, and are generally present only when the face is animated. A natural dimple is usually formed when there is abnormal attachment of underlying muscles of facial expression to the deeper part of the skin. When this muscle contracts during smile, there is a formation of an indentation into the overlying skin. This causes formation of the dimple during facial animation.

Dimple creation surgery is, in itself, a fairly simple one provided it is done by an experienced plastic surgeon. It is commonly done under local anaesthesia on an outpatient basis. You will be awake and comfortable during the procedure. The dimple surgery takes about 20 minutes to perform and you can go home within an hour or so after the procedure. Usually normal physical activities can be resumed on the same day of the procedure.

You will be prescribed with a course of antibiotics and antiseptic gargles for a period one week following the dimple creation procedure. 


It is possible to create a dimple or dimples by a minor plastic surgical procedure under local anaesthetic as an office procedure. There is increasing demand for dimple creation surgery both for women and men. The location and size of the dimple is a matter of personal choice. You will have an opportunity to discuss about the dimple creation with Mr. Vadodaria in your consultation.

Dimple creation surgery is, in itself, a fairly simple one provided it is done by an experienced plastic surgeon. It is commonly done under local anaesthesia on an outpatient basis. You will be awake and comfortable during the procedure. The dimple surgery takes about 20 minutes to perform and you can go home within an hour or so after the procedure. Usually normal physical activities can be resumed on the same day of the procedure.

There is usually minimal swelling following the procedure and the aftercare usually involves regular mouth rinsing with antiseptic solution and a course of antibiotics.

You can go back to work the next day, but avoid strenuous activities like contact sports and exercise that can injure your face. The healing period is between 7 to 10 days.

As in any operation, there are risks involved in the form of infection, bleeding, scarring, under/over correction, asymmetry, revisional surgery, weakness of the involved muscles and injury to the parotid duct although extremely rare. There are minimal complications with dimple formation aside from a little bit of swelling and bruising. You should be able to resume your normal activities the following day. Complications can occur with dimple creation surgery:

  • Persistence of unwanted dimples without facial animation
  • Long term effects are unknown since dimple creation is a relatively new procedure
  • Failure of surgery means complete disappearance of this surgically created dimple/dimples and may warrant further surgery. Hospital fees are payable by the patient.

If the surgically created dimple on the cheek becomes shallower or completely disappears then it can be done again. There will not be any surgeons fees but hospital fees and admin fees are payable.

Before the operation, make sure you follow these rules:

  • Do not have anything to eat or drink at least 6 hours prior to your surgery.
  • Stop smoking at least 2 weeks before and 2 weeks after surgery. This is particularly important for patients undergoing Breast Reduction, Tummy tuck or Facelift surgery. Stop Alcohol 1 week prior to surgery.
  • Stop Alcohol 1 week prior to surgery.

Avoid the following oral preparations at least 2 weeks prior to and 2 weeks after surgery:

Any mixture containing:

  • Vitamin E
  • Effamol G
  • Evening Primrose Oil
  • Salmon Oil
  • Codliver Oil
  • Ginseng
  • Imedeen
  • Garlic

Antiinflammatory medications:

  • Piroxicam
  • Indocid
  • Nurofen
  • Ibuprofen
  • Surgam
  • Voltarol
  • Naproxen
  • Froben
  • Lederfen

Anticoagulants (medications to thin your blood):

  • Aspirin/salicylates
  • Anadin
  • Disprin
  • Codis
  • Or any cold or Flu medication i.e Lemsip etc.
  • Do not wear any eye or face makeup on the day of surgery as this interferes with the surgery.

Do take paracetamol if experiencing any pains or discomfort for any reason prior to surgery.

Do take any regular medication (i.e. blood pressure tablets) prior to and up to the day of surgery- you can use up to 20-30mls of water to help swallow any tablets even within the 6 hour pre-operative fasting period mentioned above in the Don’ts.

Do Take Arnica tablets.

Arnica is an herbal remedy that has gained a considerable reputation in recent years in helping to decrease bruising and swelling and to promote healing after surgery and trauma. It is now used routinely in many branches of surgery and I recommend it for all patients. It is available from larger pharmacies and health food shops without prescription.

Do shower or bath on the morning or evening prior to surgery, cleansing your entire body.

On the day of surgery please remove any contact lenses, nail polish, jewellery and all makeup whilst at home. Do wear comfortable, front opening and loose clothing to the hospital.

  • Please make sure not to drink/eat any hot or cold substance till the effect of local anaesthetic wears off completely and you have recovery of tactile sensation in your mouth to avoid any thermal burns or cold sore.
  • Please make sure to observe your oral hygiene at least for a period of 15 days following your procedure.
  • Please rinse your mouth using Corsodyl mouthwash after having any food or drink for a period of 15 days following your procedure.
  • Please make sure to complete the course of antibiotics as per the prescription.
  • You can take Paracetamol as per the prescription for pain control. Please inform the surgeon and the practice if you cannot manage to control pain with the help of Paracetamol. You can always take medical advice from your GP or the local Accident and Emergency department in the event of any emergency.
  • Please inform your surgeon as well as the clinic team if you have increasing pain, swelling, bruising or any abnormal discharge from the sight of operation.
  • Please inform us that you have received the early post op appointment between 5-10 days for removal of stitches if required and inspection of the wound.


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